Why do hotels fold the end of toilet paper?

Why do hotels fold the end of toilet paper? Hotels want to give their guests the confidence that the bathroom has been cleaned since the last guest has used the room. To accomplish this, the maid will fold over the last piece of toilet paper to assure that no one has used the toilet paper since the room was cleaned.

Which country uses the most toilet paper?

Key Findings China uses over 4 billion miles of toilet paper each year – more than any other country. The average Portuguese person uses 643.36 miles of toilet paper in their lifetime – more than any other nationality.

Why do hotel rooms have a phone in the toilet?

You'll rarely find these today, but at one point, they were the height of luxury. The goal was to ensure, in the days long before mobiles, voicemail, and texting, that an important call would not be missed while the guest was using the bathroom.

Do hotels know if you took a towel?

Guests place used towels in the return cabinet, which scans the RFID tag in each towel and removes them from the guest's account. 5. If a guest walks out with towels, those towels remain on his or her account. Hotel and resort management know exactly who has taken them and can handle it in any way they deem fit.