Why did the Bay Bridge collapse?

Why did the Bay Bridge collapse? The Loma Prieta Earthquake jolted the Bay Area and beyond 33 years ago Monday, shaking buildings from their foundations, flattening a stretch of freeway in Oakland and dislodging a section of the Bay Bridge. Take a look back at the devastating earthquake below.

What was the worst earthquake in history of mankind?

The earthquake of May 22, 1960, that struck the town of Valdivia in southern Chile is the most powerful ever recorded and has become known as the Great Chilean Earthquake. It is thought to have measured 9.5 on the moment magnitude scale (MMS).

How long did it take to repair the Bay Bridge in 1989?

In the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, one section of the upper deck of the Bay Bridge's eastern span collapsed onto the lower deck. The bridge was closed for repairs for a month.

Was the Bay Bridge damaged in 1989?

On Oct. 17, 1989, ABC7 News reporter Leslie Brinkley was crossing the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge on her way to a routine assignment. Her story and her life changed in 15 seconds when the bridge collapsed as the Loma Prieta earthquake hit.

Did the 1989 earthquake cause a tsunami?

We investigated the tsunami recorded at Monterey, California, during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake (MW=6.9). The first arrival of the tsunami was about 10 min after the origin time of the earthquake.