Why did people stop building concentric castles at the end of the Middle Ages?

Why did people stop building concentric castles at the end of the Middle Ages? While castles continued to be built well into the 16th century, new techniques to deal with improved cannon fire made them uncomfortable and undesirable places to live.

What was inside a concentric castle?

Because of the two separate walls, concentric castles would have had two separate wards: the outer bailey, between the inner and outer walls, and the inner bailey, inside the inner wall. The keep was not a necessary element; in fact, most concentric castles were built without a central keep.

Is it possible to build a castle today?

Since today's castle building techniques still contain much of the hand crafting of the old days, you should plan to allow more time to build a castle than a traditional modern building. There are many more factors that affect building time, but the previously mentioned factors seem to pop up most often.

What country has the most abandoned castles?

Belgium houses the majority of abandoned mansions, hotels and castles, with a total of 300 known abandoned buildings of this nature.

Which castle was built last?

Following nine years of major conservation work, the National Trust's ambitious project to save Castle Drogo, one of the country's most iconic buildings, is complete. Castle Drogo is the last castle to have been built in Britain, between 1911 and 1931, by the renowned architect Edwin Lutyens.

Were there castles before 1066?

Before 1066 the only castles in England were a handful built by Norman nobles who had been favourites of king Edward the Confessor. English nobles used a different type of residence and we will never know if they would eventually have followed the continental trend.

What is the oldest castle still occupied?

Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world and has been the family home of British kings and queens for almost 1,000 years. It is an official residence of Her Majesty The Queen and is still very much a working royal palace today, home to around 150 people.