Why did I get waitlisted on Ticketmaster?

Why did I get waitlisted on Ticketmaster? If no tickets for an event are currently available, then the event may offer a waitlist for tickets. Additional tickets sometimes become available when current ticket holders can no longer attend OR the event promoter decides to release more tickets.

What not to do when waitlisted?

Waitlisted students can accept or reject the offer presented by the college. However, don't take up a spot on the list if you're not planning on attending the school anymore. You'd be taking the spot away from another student who may be more interested.

Is getting waitlisted impressive?

Being waitlisted isn't terrible if you can be patient and have a backup plan. Alternatively, you can choose to back out and move on. If you were waitlisted by one of your reach schools, you might have already been planning for the alternatives. So usually, being waitlisted isn't bad.

How do I increase my chances of getting tickets on Ticketmaster?

Ticketmaster Hacks: Proven Tips for Snagging The Best Tickets
  1. Research. If there's one thing a fangirl is essentially an expert at, it's researching before a Ticketmaster ticket sale. ...
  2. Make An Account. ...
  3. Log In Early. ...
  4. Card Details. ...
  5. One Device, One Window, One Tab. ...
  6. Know When To Refresh. ...
  7. Stay Calm.