Why can't you wear goggles at a waterpark?

Why can't you wear goggles at a waterpark? ELI5: At many waterparks, why are goggles not allowed on the water slides and diving board? Swim goggles are not built to withstand impact like that which can result from hitting the water suddenly. A hard enough impact could cost an eye or a nose.

What not to wear to a water park?

You'll be going down water slides, body surfing waves in wave pools, and possibly chasing your young children around the kiddie areas. For this reason, avoid wearing flimsy bikinis. This helps prevent any accidental flashing incidents or the possibility of losing your bikini top or bottom on a slide or in a pool area.

Can I wear Tshirt in water park?

What should I wear to a waterpark? It's best to wear a swimsuit or swim trunks to a waterpark. You can also wear a cover-up or shorts and a t-shirt over your swimsuit for added comfort.

Can you go head first down a water slide?

Always go down slides with your feet down not your head! It is extremely dangerous to go down slides with your head first because you move at a very high speed while sliding putting you at a risk of injuries. Always wait for your turn. Do not hold hands with others while sliding as this may injure you both.