Why can't you use flashlights on the beach?

Why can't you use flashlights on the beach? Don't use white lights on the beach. Artificial lights - like the ones from your phone or flashlight - are terrible for sea turtles. They discourage females from nesting and pose a dangerous distraction for hatchlings, which follow the light of the moon to locate the water.

Why is it so dark at sea at night?

Such a minuscule amount of light penetrates beyond a depth of 200 meters that photosynthesis is no longer possible. The aphotic zone exists in depths below 1,000 meters. Sunlight does not penetrate to these depths and the zone is bathed in darkness.

Why do people go on beach at night?

As it turns out, a lot of people hunt for sea life on the beach, and small little creatures like crabs, sand fleas, and sand dollars show up and nighttime is the perfect time to catch them. Ghost crabs make their way to the surface of the sand as the air cools off.

Why are there no flashlights on the beach at night?

At night, you'll see people taking flashlights to the beach. They're out there because you can spot crabs making their way across the sand. However, the light from your flashlight may confuse sea turtles who think it's moonlight, causing them to head in the wrong direction.

Can you use flashlights on beach during turtle season?

Close your drapes or blinds and turn off all unnecessary outdoor lights. Switch other lights to sea turtle-friendly lights if your property can be seen from the beach. If walking the beach at night, please avoid using flashlights and cell phone lights.

Why do people look for crabs on the beach at night?

The crabs don't enjoy the sun, so during the hot summer days they'll usually burrow up to four feet under the sand. You'll find these crabs at night, when they surface to hunt for food along the sandy beach. This is when your adventure begins!