Why can't I pick my seat on Southwest?

Why can't I pick my seat on Southwest? At Southwest, we let you sit where you like. We don't assign seats on our flights, so feel free to sit in any available seat once you board the plane. We have a quick, easy, and efficient boarding process. Look at your boarding pass to find your assigned boarding group (A, B, or C) and boarding position (1 - 60).

How do I choose my seat after booking?

After you finish booking your flight (or during the process, depending on the airline), you should click to view the seat map and make your pick. If you book your flight with friends or family members on the same reservation, they will likely be assigned seats nearby automatically.

How much faster is Southwest boarding?

Southwest Airline's boarding method – no assigned seats, no assigned order – proved to be the fastest, at 14.07 minutes, which was a whopping 47 percent faster than back-to-front.

How do I get A1 A15 on Southwest?

Purchase a Business Select fare or upgrade to Business Select: Customers who purchase a Business Select fare will get guaranteed A1-A15 boarding. If a Customer did not originally purchase a Business Select fare but wants guaranteed A1-A15 boarding, they can upgrade their flight to Business Select.

Does Southwest check in everyone on reservation?

If you are both on the same reservation, you will both be checked in together! Happy flying.

Can you board Southwest early if you have anxiety?

Southwest allows preboarding only for customers who 1) need a specific seat on the plane, or 2) need assistance boarding the plane. If you find that having a specific seat helps with your anxiety, that would be a way for you to preboard.

Can you save seats on Southwest?

Re: Saving Seats Unfortunately, there's no policy to enforce. Officially, Southwest has no policy for or against seat saving, and in practice actively allows it. Reps will even suggest that passengers save seats for later boarding companions.

Is A1 15 worth it Southwest?

A ticket upgrade may make sense if any of the following are true: You like the idea of boarding the plane quickly so you can choose your preferred seat and are guaranteed an A1 through A15 boarding position. You want to maximize the Rapid Rewards points that you earn.

Why am I not assigned a seat on my flight?

Passengers are usually assigned a seat before or during check-in. However, in your case you were not assigned a seat at check-in. Probably because you did not click the “select your seat option. Or maybe because the airline still had not assigned an aircraft for your flight.

Is Group B good on Southwest?

If you have a B group boarding position, the chances are good that you'll still be able to get a window or aisle seat or find 2 seats together if you're traveling with a companion. Hot Tip: If you are in the B group (or even one of the first numbers in the C group), head to the back of the plane.

Is Group C last on Southwest?

As far as determining who gets to pick their seats in which order, here's how it works: A Southwest boarding group (either A, B, or C) and position (1-60) will be assigned to you at check-in and it'll be printed on your boarding pass. Group A boards first, then group B, and afterwards group C.

Does checking in early get you a better seat on Southwest?

Customers who purchase an Anytime fare will automatically be checked in to their flight 36 hours prior to scheduled departure—that's 12 hours before our traditional 24-hour check-in. You will receive an earlier boarding position, improved seat selection, and earlier access to overhead bins.