Why can't all airports be used as an alternate?

Why can't all airports be used as an alternate? An airport may not be qualified for alternate use if the airport NAVAID is unmonitored, is Global Positioning System (GPS) based, or if it does not have weather reporting capabilities.

Can an airport with only a GPS approach be used as an alternate?

So you can file with the destination or the alternate having only a GPS approach, but not both. WAAS-equipped aircraft can file for destinations and alternates having only GPS approaches. In both cases, the weather at the time of arrival must satisfy the LNAV or circling minimums or higher if noted.

What is alternate rule?

14 CFR 91.169 (b) (2) (i) states that an alternate airport is not required if “for at least 1 hour before and for 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival the ceiling will be at least 2000 feet above the airport elevation and the visibility will be at least 3 statute miles.” To help remember those conditions of the ...

Can you depart IFR from an airport without an approach?

There's no takeoff clearance needed without a tower, but until you get the OK, the release, from approach, you can't depart IFR. So you'll then readback that clearance and they'll say “Cessna 9334H readback correct advise ready for departure.” And they may ask you which runway you're going to depart from.

What is banned from the airport?

Banned items The following items are completely banned from aircraft, and should not be brought to the airport: Explosive and incendiary materials. Flammable items. Gasses and pressure containers.

Why are airports so strict?

Airport security attempts to prevent any threats or potentially dangerous situations from arising or entering the country. If airport security does succeed then the chances of any dangerous situation, illegal items or threats entering into an aircraft, country or airport are greatly reduced.

Can you use an airport with no instrument approach as an alternate?

This is the ol' 1-2-3 rule. There are a couple of gotchas. If your destination has no approach, an alternate is always required. Curiously, though, the alternate need not have an instrument approach if the weather allows a descent from MEA under basic VFR, assuming the airport isn't otherwise disqualified.

What is a takeoff alternate in ICAO?

Alternate aerodromes may be designated as Take-off , En-route or Destination alternates. ICAO defines each of these as follows: A Take-off alternate is an aerodrome at which an aircraft would be able to land should this become necessary shortly after take-off and it is not possible to use the aerodrome of departure.

What is the problem with skiplagging?

Skiplagged deceives the public into believing that, even though it has no authority to form and issue a contract on American's behalf, somehow it can still issue a completely valid ticket. It cannot. Every 'ticket' issued by Skiplagged is at risk of being invalidated, the airline said.

Can you walk into an airport and get a flight?

Can You Buy a Flight at the Airport? Believe it or not, this question is worth asking, and the simple answer is yes. You can still buy a flight at the airport. In some cases, like buying a ticket a few hours before departure, it may be the only option available.

Can you fly IFR without ATC?

In theory, a pilot can operate in sub-VMC conditions under IFR without an ATC clearance in Class G airspace. However, to enter or operate in controlled airspace under IFR, an ATC clearance is required.

Does ATC know your alternate?

ATC receives only your filed destination, not the alternate. This is why ATC has to ask where a pilot wants to divert. To give ATC a heads up on where you want to go, you can write it in the remarks section, which is transmitted to ATC.