Why can Universal still have Marvel?

Why can Universal still have Marvel? Marvel, before its merger with Disney, had made a licensing agreement with Universal Studios Orlando, to use most of Marvel's characters for attractions and merchandising. Universal is free to use the characters as long as they maintain the agreement (with continual payments to Marvel's new owner).

Why did Disney buy Marvel?

At the time, Disney CEO Bob Iger said that “adding Marvel to Disney's unique portfolio of brands provides significant opportunities for long-term growth and value creation,” which feels like quite the understatement from today's point of view where four of the top 10 grossing movies of all time are Marvel movies.

Why does Universal not allow phones on rides?

No one wants to see a cell phone go flying on a roller coaster - most of all the people in the phone's path, who now are in danger of injury from getting hit. That's why most parks ban visitors from carrying phones and other loose objects while on high-speed or intense rides, such as roller coasters.