Why are traffic signals always in order?

Why are traffic signals always in order? The reason for the order is safety. The top begins with all traffic stop (Red), the middle light is Yellow (do not proceed) or (caution), the third which is the bottom light is Green (Go).

Are traffic lights the same in all countries?

Traffic lights aren't the same all over the planet. Some are to the right of the road. Others hang in the middle of intersections. However, almost all over the world, green means go, yellow means caution (and not “step on the accelerator before the light changes”), and red is a mandatory stop.

Why do some traffic lights have blue instead of green?

And while there has been some confusion regarding the purpose of the lights – including whether they were installed to help colorblind drivers – the main purpose of the blue lights is to help police catch red-light runners. The lights were originally white or clear before they were converted to LEDs with a blue hue.