Why are there so many rules when visiting Antarctica?

Why are there so many rules when visiting Antarctica? To keep Antarctica pristine as possible, a lot of the rules are dedicated to make sure that nothing pollutes the environment.

Can normal people go to Antarctica?

The Antarctic Treaty does not prevent tourists, military personnel or scientific researchers from being present in Antarctica, but they do require an appropriate permit from a Treaty Party.

Is it rare to go to Antarctica?

Fly-ins are the only way for tourists to reach the vast sole of Antarctica and a great option for adventurers looking to do some serious hiking, camping, skiing or climbing in a pristine landscape. Fly-ins are rare and less than 500 people a year travel to the vast interior.

Has anyone tried to go to Antarctica?

Because Antarctica is so far and has such extreme weather, very few people have ever visited the continent at all. This means that your vacation will make you a part of the continent's history.

Why is no one allowed to visit Antarctica?

It is not illegal to visit Antarctica or to explore the continent. However, the treaty that prevents military use or ownership of the continent sets strict guidelines for gaining permission to mount an expedition, usually for scientific purposes.

What not to do in Antarctica?

Visitors must never disturb the Antarctic wildlife. You cannot touch, feed or do anything to alter the behaviour of animals. Keep noise to a minimum and avoid flash photography. If you keep still and quiet, animals may approach you, however you must never interfere with them.

How much does Antarctica trip cost?

The average Antarctica cruise cost is about $8,000 per person. The least expensive trips to Antarctica start at under $5,000. Luxury voyages can exceed $15,000 per person.