Why are there no pharaohs in Egypt anymore?

Why are there no pharaohs in Egypt anymore? The spread of Christianity throughout the empire in the 4th century, and the transformation of Egypt's capital Alexandria into a major Christian center, decisively ended the tradition, due to the new religion being incompatible with the traditional implications of being pharaoh.

Is it safe to go to Egypt now?

Should you travel to Egypt right now? Trips throughout primary tourist regions of Egypt are continuing to operate as usual. The country's alert level from the State Department also hasn't changed since July 13, and remains at a “Level 3: Reconsider Travel.”

Is Egypt still a mystery?

Of all the great civilizations of Antiquity, Egypt remains one that is still shrouded in mystery. Even though thousands of passionate intellectuals have dedicated their lives to studying Ancient Egypt, there is still so much that is unknown.

Could pyramids be built today?

To build such a pyramid today (using modern technology and equipment such as cranes and helicopters), it would take 1,500 to 2,000 workers around five years, and cost around $5 billion.

What is the most famous tomb ever found?

Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered in 1922 by excavators led by Howard Carter. As a result of the quantity and spectacular appearance of the burial goods, the tomb attracted a media frenzy and became the most famous find in the history of Egyptology.