Why are people flocking to Dubai?

Why are people flocking to Dubai? Dubai offers lifestyle choices. You have the freedom to practise religion or not to practise religion. We have a relatively secure and safe environment, and lots of great infrastructure, health care and schools.” Leading Dubai-based educator, Heather Harries, is a respected independent voice in the education arena.

Do US citizens need visa for Dubai?

US citizens with a US passport that is valid for more than six months do not need to obtain a UAE visa prior to traveling to the UAE if the duration of their visit will be less than one month. This includes US citizens with visas or entry stamps from other countries in their passports.

Is it expensive to live in Dubai?

Dubai is the country's most expensive city to live in. As a luxury tourism destination, Dubai offers high living standards: a single-person estimated monthly expenses are AED 3,700 or $1,000, excluding rent. A family of 4 would spend 3 times more — AED 13,000 or $3,540 monthly.

What month is the coldest in Dubai?

January is the coldest month in Dubai, experiencing a temperature of 19°C to 20°C and sometimes around 23°C in the afternoon which makes the weather suitable for exploring and vacation.

What is the downside of living in Dubai?

Con: Strict laws relating to religious practices Dubai is a Muslim country, therefore some of the rules and laws can seem strict to those used to a more western lifestyle. Some of the things you shouldn't do in Dubai include public displays of affection, dressing inappropriately or being visibly drunk in public.