Why are long-distance friendships so hard?

Why are long-distance friendships so hard? You have to have your priorities in line and have no expectations. If you make many other things more important than having a chat with your friend, then the relationship could suffer. If you expect them to do this or that and it doesn't happen, you'll be disappointed and as a result, the relationship will suffer.

How long do people stay friends on average?

How Long Do Friendships Last Statistically? One poll found that the average friendship lasts for 17 years, however, 17% of survey responders said they've had the same best friend for over 30 years!

Do long-distance friendships last?

“Some research is showing friendships aren't fragile, they're flexible,” Moyer says. “With distance, sometimes friendships can change, but that doesn't mean they dissolve. They just may take on a different character as your lives change.”