Who was the Pope that was just buried?

Who was the Pope that was just buried? Immediately after the funeral, Benedict was interred in a private ceremony in the crypt underneath St. Peter's Basilica, in the same tomb that had previously been occupied by Pope John Paul II's body from his death in 2005 until his beatification in 2011.

Which pope was not embalmed?

While his predecessors had been embalmed after death, the Vatican claimed that Pope John Paul II was not embalmed and lay in state without normal treatment for preservation, which is evident by the grey colour taken on by the body. Also, it was customary for popes to have their organs removed after death.

Which pope was dug up and tried?

In 897, the Vatican saw one of the most bizarre episodes in history: The corpse of a pope was put on trial by his living successor. Pope Formosus, dead for a few months, was hardly qualified to defend himself in a court of law.