Who was the first pope and where is he buried?
Who was the first pope and where is he buried? For centuries, the tomb of St. Peter inhabited the realm of legend until in the early 1940s a Vatican-funded archaeological team discovered the remains of St. Peter, and in 1968 Pope Paul VI announced the good news to the public.
Which pope was dug up and tried?
In 897, the Vatican saw one of the most bizarre episodes in history: The corpse of a pope was put on trial by his living successor. Pope Formosus, dead for a few months, was hardly qualified to defend himself in a court of law.
Who is buried beneath the Vatican?
Architects feared they might disturb the foundations on which rests the world's largest church. But the workmen, with careful hands, pushed forward finally to the area where, according to a basic tenet of the Catholic Church, the bones of St. Peter were buried about A.D. 66.