Who uses public transport the most in NZ?

Who uses public transport the most in NZ? Table 2 shows public transport use per head of population by age group. 5?14 year olds and 15?24 year olds spend more time on public transport and travel further than any other age group.

Do Millennials use public transportation?

Findings suggest that millennials are more likely to use public transit than older cohorts. Moreover, the results suggest that cohort differences, which tend to persist over time, and not life cycle effects, are responsible for greater use of public transit by millennials.

What is the most popular transportation in New Zealand?

As a result, most New Zealanders tend to travel by car. Many visitors to the country do the same, although there are also public transportation options available.

Who is more likely to use public transportation?

Although patterns differ somewhat on the basis of whether an area is a “transit-heavy metro area” or not, in general, some groups rely more on public transportation for commuting than others, including women, young adults (those ages 25–29), Black workers, and low-income workers.

How is New Zealand public transport?

Bus services connect New Zealand's cities and towns Coach buses provide good links between cities and towns in New Zealand. These can be booked in advance and are reasonably affordable, however, local buses will usually need to be taken to rural locations or national parks.

What is the safest transport in the world?

After reading the preceding information in this article, it is obvious that air travel is the safest mode of transportation. Our aircraft dispatcher training center would like to point out that all of the professionals surrounding the industry are highly trained and happy to be part of this industry.

Where is public transportation most common?

The Northeast, home to several of the most traveled transit systems in the country, has the largest share of adults by region (25%) who use public transportation on a regular basis (daily or weekly). City dwellers are also more frequent users of mass transit.