Who owns the water in the Rio Grande?

Who owns the water in the Rio Grande? The United States and Mexico share the waters of the Colorado River and the Rio Grande. A bilateral water treaty from 1944 (the 1944 Water Treaty) and other binational agreements guide how the two governments share the flows of these rivers.

Who has jurisdiction of the Rio Grande?

According to Article 2 of the Water Treaty, the jurisdiction of the IBWC extends to the border sections of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) and the Colorado River, the land boundary between the United States and Mexico, and works located upon their common boundary.

Where does Rio Grande water go?

The Gulf of Mexico is an ocean basin and a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean, mostly surrounded by the North American continent.

Is the Rio Grande protected?

A 196-mile strip of land on the American side of the Rio Grande in the Chihuahuan Desert protects the river. The Rio Grande Wild & Scenic River is managed as a unit of the national park system by Big Bend National Park.

Can I swim in the Rio Grande river?

Avoid prolonged exposure to the river water (i.e., don't spend long periods of time swimming). Avoid immersing your head in the water. Avoid swimming where you can see discharge pipes.