Who is the highest person on a ship?

Who is the highest person on a ship? Captain. The captain or master is the ship's highest responsible officer, acting on behalf of the ship's owner. Whether the captain is a member of the deck department or not is a matter of some controversy, and generally depends on the opinion of an individual captain.

Can a ship captain marry you?

A ship's captain generally does NOT have the legal right to officiate a wedding at sea. In order for a Captain of a ship to perform a marriage at sea, he must also be a judge, a justice of the peace, a minister, or an officially recognized officiant such as a Notary Public.

Who is the boss on a cruise ship?

The Captain is the highest ranking officer and the Master of the cruise ship. He/she has a full authority to make executive decisions in order to preserve the life and safety of the ship's personnel and guest and must apply extreme care and proper judgement according to...

What is the lowest position on a ship?

Ordinary seaman The lowest ranking personnel in the deck department. An ordinary seaman (OS) generally helps out with work that able seamen do.