Who has the most deaths on the road per capita?

Who has the most deaths on the road per capita? The African continent records the highest road death rate with 26.69 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants annually and is home to the country with the highest mortality, Zimbabwe with 41.2 deaths per 100 000 inhabitants.

Where has the most road deaths?

The African region had the highest road traffic fatality rate, at 26.6, while the European region had the lowest rate, at 9.3.

What is the safest country to drive in?

The Nordic country gets many things right – and driving is one of them. According to the data we sourced from OurWorldInData and Gov.UK, Norway has officially earned the title of the safest place to drive in the world, with only 1.5 traffic-related fatalities per 100,000 people.

What country has the most drunk driving accidents?

Q: What country has the most drunk driving accidents? South Africa has the highest rate of drunk driving fatalities globally, with 25.1 deaths per 100,000 total population. In the US, Wyoming is the state with the highest drunk driving crashes, with 7.60 fatalities per 100,000 people.