Who gets free bus travel in the UK?

Who gets free bus travel in the UK? In England you can get a bus pass for free travel when you reach the State Pension age. If you live in London, you can travel free on buses, tubes and other transport when you're 60, but only within London. In Wales you can get a bus pass when you reach 60.

Does a bus pass cover all of England?

Where can I use my bus pass? Anywhere in England, but not Scotland or Wales.

Do over 60s get free tube travel?

Once you reach the eligible age, you can apply for a free Older Person's Freedom Pass(www.londoncouncils.gov.uk opens in a new tab). This is in line with the State Pension age, which is currently 66. The Freedom Pass offers: Free travel on bus, Tube, tram, DLR, London Overground, and Elizabeth line services.

Do pensioners get free train travel in UK?

60+ Oyster photocard (London) If you are 60 or over and live in a London borough, this card allows you to travel for free within London on Transport for London services and most National Rail services. Find out more about the 60+ Oyster photocard, including eligibility, benefits and how to apply.

Do London Underground staff get free travel?

Staff Travel Cards. A Staff Travel Card (STC) gives you unlimited free travel on most National Rail services for one day (restrictions apply). These travel cards have replaced the system of free tickets.

Do pensioners get free bus travel in England?

You can get an older person's bus pass when you reach State Pension age, which is currently 66 for both women and men. If you're 60 or over and live in London, then you can get free travel on buses, trains and other modes of transport in and around London with a 60+ London Oyster photocard.

Who gets free rail travel UK?

Freedom Pass (London) If you are 66 or over and live in London borough, or have a disability and live in London, this pass allows you to travel for free or get discounts on a range of transport services across London, including most National Rail services.

Can I use my free bus pass anywhere in the UK?

Where can I use my bus pass? Your bus pass is valid for use on all registered Bus services within England, so if you are visiting other places you should be able to use your pass. It is not valid in Wales* or Scotland.

What is the difference between a 60+ Oyster card and a Freedom Pass?

Is the Freedom Pass different to 60+ Oyster Card? The Freedom Pass is specifically designed to serve pensioners, whereas the 60+ Oyster card is for those over 60. The Freedom Pass criteria is based off of the Women's state pension age, which means that those over 66 are eligible for a Freedom Pass.

Do senior citizens get discount on trains?

And since Amtrak travelers 65 years of age and over are eligible to receive a 10% discount on most trains, it becomes an affordable alternative.

Can I get a free Oyster card at 60?

60+ London Oyster photocard This allows you to travel for free on most public transport in London. You can apply from two weeks before your 60th birthday.