Who flew the red flag at the Alamo?

Who flew the red flag at the Alamo? The Siege of the Alamo had begun. Santa Anna ordered a red flag to be flown from San Fernando Church showing that no quarter would be given.

How historically accurate is the movie the Alamo?

As history, The Alamo looks accurate, and, indeed, we find that San Antonio de Béxar was carefully re-created with little sparing of expense (the film cost $95 million to make) and with the able assistance of the Alamo historian and curator, Richard Bruce Winders, and Stephen L.

Why didn t reinforcements come to the Alamo?

Every day during the siege, the defenders of the Alamo looked for Fannin and his men but they never arrived. Fannin had decided that the logistics of reaching the Alamo in time were impossible and, in any event, his 300 or so men would not make a difference against the Mexican army and its 2,000 soldiers.

What happened to the bodies of the Texas soldiers at the Alamo?

Following the Battle of the Alamo and the Goliad Massacre, the Mexican troops burned the bodies of the slain Texans. Following the battle of San Jacinto, Sam Houston made no provisions to dispose of the Mexicans troops killed in the battle and the corpses remained where they lay.

What happened to Santa Anna after the Alamo?

After regaining honor at the more famous fall of the Alamo in 1836, Santa Anna felt his job in Texas was done. But under counsel, he decided to take one final swipe at the Texas rebels by dividing his army and sweeping the land. The resulting campaign led to the Battle of San Jacinto.

Where are Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie buried?

I never realized that the remains of the men who lost their lives defending the Alamo were in a tomb at the San Fernando Cathedral.... Yes, David Crocket and Jim Bowie are buried there! It's one of the most beautiful Cathedrals in the United States... approachable, accessible and very photogenic...

How did Texas lose the Alamo?

Following a 13-day siege, Mexican troops under President General Antonio López de Santa Anna reclaimed the Alamo Mission near San Antonio de Béxar (modern-day San Antonio, Texas, United States), killing most of the occupants.

Did anyone survive the Alamo?

Miraculously, at least fourteen people lived through the battle, and a few would later provide chilling eyewitness accounts of what happened. Enrique Esparza was the son of Alamo defender Gregorio Esparza and Ana Salazar Esparza. He, his mother, and two siblings survived the attack.