Who do billionaires travel with?

Who do billionaires travel with? They like to go in groups Solo travel is cool, but the rich usually prefer group travel. And not just any group travel. They will subscribe to exclusive club memberships in places of visit and take along their friends and/or family. It is not uncommon to find the rich partying on cruise ships with their people.

Does Mark Zuckerberg own a private jet?

The High Life Amidst Austerity. At the heart of this dichotomy was Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg's private jet travel. Despite the company's rigorous cost-saving measures, Zuckerberg's personal jet expenses soared to nearly $2.3 million in 2022, outstripping the $1.8 million spent in 2020 and the $1.6 million in 2021.

How rich do you need to be to fly private?

To fly private on a regular basis, it's best to have both a $1+ million annual income and $25+ million net worth. In years when your income drops below $1 million, even if you still have a $25 million net worth, fly commercial instead.