Which two European countries to visit together?

Which two European countries to visit together?

Best Countries to Combine for an Unforgettable Europe Trip
  • Norway and Sweden. If you're planning an unforgettable Scandinavian experience, then Norway and Sweden are an amazing combination of countries to visit. ...
  • Germany and Austria. ...
  • Netherlands and Belgium. ...
  • Spain and Portugal. ...
  • Italy and Switzerland.

How many European countries can you visit in 2 weeks?

There are 44 countries in Europe, full of fascinating cultures and experiences. Ideally, through a Europe two weeks itinerary, you should be able to cover three or four countries at least. If you have even lesser days, this 10 day Europe itinerary should also help (there's 8 options!)

What is the easiest country to enter in Europe?

1. Luxembourg. Luxembourg, a hidden gem in northern Europe, had the lowest rejection rate in 2021.

Can you do Greece and Italy in one trip?

Yes, it's very possible to cover Italy and Greece in a single trip as they're close to each other. There are also many transportation options between the two countries.