Which two cities are connected by Channel Tunnel?

Which two cities are connected by Channel Tunnel? The Channel Tunnel runs between Calais in northern France and Folkestone in south Kent. Vehicle traffic for Le Shuttle gets on in Calais and gets off in Folkestone. Calais is about three hour's drive from Paris and Folkestone is about an hour and a half's drive from London.

How long do you spend in the Channel Tunnel?

It is made up of three tunnels, each 50km long, that link Folkestone in Kent to Calais in France. Two are rail tunnels, used for freight and passenger trains, and the third is a service tunnel. Eurostar is one of LeShuttle's biggest customers and their trains take only 20 minutes to pass through the Channel Tunnel.

Can I take food to France on Eurotunnel?

Yes, you can bring food with you for personal consumption between Folkestone & Calais, and for your onward journey. However, there are certain kinds of food that you cannot bring into the EU —use this resource on restrictions as a guide.

Do you stay in your car on Eurotunnel?

You and your pets stay in your vehicle throughout the journey - sit back and relax, it only takes 35 minutes to cross.

What is the difference between the Channel tunnel and the Eurotunnel?

Eurostar and Eurotunnel are completely different companies but they share use of the Channel Tunnel. Eurotunnel is operated by Getlink, the company that owns and operates the Channel Tunnel, connecting the UK with France, while Eurostar is a customer of Getlink and runs its passenger trains through the Chunnel.

What are the cheapest days to use Eurotunnel?

Travel very late or very early in the day and you can cut the Eurotunnel fare to around £200 return on Saturdays or £165 return midweek. By doing so, you could tackle the driving during the night when there will be less traffic.

Is it cheaper to get ferry or Channel Tunnel?

Generally speaking the ferry is usually slightly cheaper, but whichever option you choose, make sure to shop around for deals and book well ahead of time to get the best-value fares.

Is it cheaper to book Eurotunnel in advance?

Usually yes, but occasionally we need to restrict this at peak times or during degraded service or disruption. We strongly advise purchasing a ticket in advance to avoid disappointment, and the further in advance you book the more you save.

How far underwater is the Eurotunnel?

How deep is the Channel Tunnel? At its deepest, the tunnel is 75 metres (246 feet) below the sea level. That's the same as 107 baguettes balancing on top of each other.

Which is better Eurostar or Eurotunnel?

Eurostar trains are for foot passengers only, so are ideal if you don't need or want a vehicle for your trip. Eurotunnel Le Shuttle carries freight and all forms of vehicle, including cars, motorbikes, campervans, caravans, coaches and lorries.

Do you stay on the coach in the Eurotunnel?

Passengers must remain on board the coach until all the shuttle carriage doors are closed. Stay close to your vehicle in order that staff on board can contact you if necessary.