Which state in the US is the least bike-friendly?

Which state in the US is the least bike-friendly? She jokingly attributed the state's ascension from the bike-friendly basement to “pity.” Neighboring Wyoming now ranks as the nation's least-friendly state for bicyclists. The top bike friendly states are Massachusetts, Oregon and Washington.

What is the hardest bike trail in the US?

The most dangerous mountain bike trail in America is the White Rim Trail in Canyonlands National Park, Utah. It's a 100-mile loop that winds through some of the most remote and rugged terrains in the country.

Where is the cycling capital of the world?

There was a time, in the 1950s and 60s, when cyclists were under severe threat of being expelled from Dutch cities by the growing number of cars. Only thanks to fierce activism and a number of decisive events would Amsterdam succeed in becoming what it is, unquestionably, now: the bicycle capital of the world.