Which river flows to the most countries?

Which river flows to the most countries? It is located in Central and Eastern Europe. The Danube was once a long-standing frontier of the Roman Empire, and today flows through 10 countries, more than any other river in the world.

What is the largest country in Europe?

Russia, the largest country in Europe and the world, ranks first, with a total area of 17,098,242 km². Ukraine ranks second largest country in Europe, with 603,500 km², followed by France with 551,695 km², Spain with 505,992 km², and Sweden with 450,295 km².

Can you swim in the Nile River?

It's with Nour El Nil and their one of their FAQ is is it safe to swim in the Nile? Their answer is Yes, of course! Every week our guests swim in the Nile without any problems or cause for concern. The currents ensure that you are swimming in clean, non-stagnant water.

Where is the deepest river in the world?

The Congo is the deepest river in the world. Its headwaters are in the north-east of Zambia, between Lake Tanganyika and Lake Nyasa (Malawi), 1760 metres above sea level; it flows into the Atlantic Ocean.