Which Pope is mummified in St Peter's Basilica?

Which Pope is mummified in St Peter's Basilica? Pope John XXIII (1963) — Pope who convened the Second Vatican Council; he was exhumed in 2000, mummified and put on display under St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. St. Pio da Pietreicina (1968) — Italian priest who was inflicted with stigmata (the five wounds of Christ) while praying.

Which pope was not embalmed?

While his predecessors had been embalmed after death, the Vatican claimed that Pope John Paul II was not embalmed and lay in state without normal treatment for preservation, which is evident by the grey colour taken on by the body. Also, it was customary for popes to have their organs removed after death.

Can you see the dead popes?

The dead bodies of 3 popes and one Russian saint are preserved and kept on display in the basilica. More surprisingly, though, there are 201 popes buried beneath the church!