Which of the following documents are required to be in the aircraft when being operated?

Which of the following documents are required to be in the aircraft when being operated? The letters stand for the documents that must be carried aboard an airplane. They are an airworthiness certificate, registration certificate, operating limitations, and weight and balance information.

What are the 5 required entries in pilot logbook or flight record?

Date. Total flight time or lesson time. Location where the aircraft departed and arrived, or for lessons in a flight simulator or flight training device, the location where the lesson occurred. Type and identification of aircraft, flight simulator, flight training device, or aviation training device, as appropriate.

What 3 documents must a pilot have on them in order to fly?

In order to execute the privileges of a private pilot, you'll need to carry:
  • Your pilot certificate.
  • Government-issued photo ID card.
  • Medical certificate.