Which metro stop for vatican?

Which metro stop for vatican? The easiest and quickest way to reach the Vatican Museums would be to take the Metro. Line A of the Metro will take you to Ottaviano-S. Pietro station, which is located right outside Vatican City.

Can you skip the line Sistine Chapel?

A. Yes, skip-the-line tickets to the Vatican Museums include access to the Sistine Chapel, which is the last leg of our tour of the museums.

What is the dress code for the Vatican?

The dress code for the Vatican Museums is strict but easy to respect. Low-cut or sleeveless dresses, miniskirts, shorts and hats are not allowed. To cover knees and shoulders you can buy plastic cloaks to wrap around. Inside it is preferable to wear long-sleeved shirts and long trousers.

Can I wear shorts in the Vatican?

The dress code for the Vatican Museums is strict but easy to respect. Low-cut or sleeveless dresses, miniskirts, shorts and hats are not allowed. To cover knees and shoulders you can buy plastic cloaks to wrap around. Inside it is preferable to wear long-sleeved shirts and long trousers.

Is it OK to wear jeans to the Vatican?

The Vatican has a dress code that some travellers might not be aware of when visiting. Luckily if you're planning on wearing jeans to the Vatican, you definitely can! When you plan to visit, it's best to keep your knees and shoulders covered. And for footwear, you will need flat shoes, not flip-flops or casual sandals.

Can I wear sneakers to the Vatican?

What shoes to wear at the Vatican. There are no special rules about shoes at the Vatican and you can wear closed shoes or sandals. While there is no specific rule about wearing flip flops at the Vatican, it is good practice not to. Flip flopr are impractical for the location, often noisy and considered too casual.

Can I bring a backpack into the Vatican?

Can I bring a bag with me to the Vatican Museums? Yes, you can bring a small bag with you on your tour. Bags, backpacks or luggage measuring more than 40·35·15 centimeters are, however, not allowed into the Vatican Museums and must be checked at the cloakroom.