Which ICAO Annex covers environmental protection?

Which ICAO Annex covers environmental protection? Annex 16 - Environmental Protection.

What is ICAO Annex 6 Part 2?

Annex 6 - Operation Of Aircraft - Part II - International General Aviation - Aeroplanes. Part II - International General Aviation - Aeroplanes. This document specifies International Standards and Recommended Practices for aeroplanes used in international general aviation operations.

What is ICAO Annex 18 about?

ICAO Annex 18 to the Chicago Convention: The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air deals with all aspects of this subject. In general, it sets down the broad general principles which determine whether items are acceptable for carriage by air.

What is ICAO Annex 15 all about?

The way in which aeronautical information is gathered and managed is governed by Annex 15 – Aeronautical Information Services of the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation, which was originally adopted by the ICAO Council on 15 May 1953.

What is ICAO Annex 11 about?

Annex 11 pertains to the establishm ent of airspace, units and services necessary to prom ote a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic.

What is the 19 annex of ICAO?

Annex 16 - Environmental Protection. Annex 17 - Security. Annex 18 - The Safe Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Air. Annex 19 - Safety Management.

What is ICAO Annex 17 about?

Annex 17 contains Standards and Recommended Practices concerned with the security of international air transport and is amended regularly to address the evolving threat.