Which currency to use when traveling?

Which currency to use when traveling? While there are some situations where it may make sense to use DCCs, it's usually better to pay in the local currency – especially if you use a credit card that doesn't charge foreign transaction fees.

Do credit cards automatically convert currency?

Yes, credit card companies automatically convert foreign currencies to the domestic currency using their exchange rate.

What is the best way to pay while traveling in Europe?

While credit cards are accepted in most situations, currency can be more convenient for public transportation and small vendors. It's also wise to carry an emergency fund with enough cash for a few days, just in case your card gets lost or stolen.

What is the best way to pay when traveling internationally?

Our advice: Pack two credit cards and grab some cash in the local currency, ideally from a bank ATM with your debit card. Don't forget to notify your credit card issuers of travel plans before you leave. Otherwise, they may think your overseas purchases are fraudulent charges and lock your card.