Which country is the heart of Africa?

Which country is the heart of Africa? Nestled between Zambia, Tanzania, and Mozambique, inland from Madagascar, is a small, elongated, densely populated country nicknamed ?The Warm Heart of Africa.? Malawi has earned its name not only from the country's warm temperatures and beautiful scenery, but also from the warm hearts of its inhabitants.

Which country is the Pearl of Africa?

The reason why Uganda is called the pearl of Africa comes from Winston Churchill in his popularized book which he wrote down in the 1908”My African Journey'. Uganda is called the Pearl of Africa when Winston talked of the magnificence, color, life, birds, reptiles, insects, beasts, mammals, and vegetations.

What is the poorest country in Europe?

Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe, with a GNI per capita of $3,540, while Moldova is the second poorest country with $4,570, Albania the third, with $5.210, the Republic of Macedonia comes fourth, with a GNI of $5,720, and Bosnia and Herzegovina the fifth poorest, with $6,090.