Which country has the most highways in Europe?

Which country has the most highways in Europe? Spain, as the country with the longest motorway network in Europe, can also be proud of the highest number of petrol stations near motorways.

What is the hardest road to drive in the UK?

Hardknott Pass is considered to be one of the most challenging in the UK. It has earned this consideration due to its series of hairpin bends and the high risk of ice on the road. It is a steep, twisting, single-track road that cuts right through the heart of the Lake District between the Duddon Valley and Eskdale.

What is the longest highway in the world?

The longest road in the world, according to Guinness World Records, is the Pan-American Highway, which runs 19,000 miles through fourteen countries and connects to four more between North America and South America.

What is the windiest road in Europe?

The Stelvio Pass has one of the windiest roads and reaches a height of 2,757m above sea level, making it one of the highest mountain passes in Europe.

Which country has the deadliest road?

Carretera a los Yungas (Bolivia) Locally known as the 'route of death', this Bolivian road is 80 km long and considered by many as the world's most dangerous road.

What is the hardest city to drive in Europe?

Brussels, Belgium Brussels takes the top spot as the hardest city to drive in, with an overall score of 23 out of 100.