Which buses in Boston are free?

Which buses in Boston are free? Starting March 1, 2022, Route 23, 28, and 29 bus riders are able to board at all doors without paying a fare for two years. From March 1, 2022 through February 29, 2024, MBTA Routes 23, 28, and 29 will be free for all riders.

Is public transportation in Boston good?

Boston is a friendly, walkable city with a great public transportation system known as the T (MBTA). All of Boston's downtown areas and neighborhoods are accessible by train, bus, trolley, or water transportation.

Do people take the bus in Boston?

Subway / Bus / Commuter Rail Public transportation via bus, subway, and commuter train serves as a vital link between Downtown and surrounding neighborhoods and the greater Metro-Boston area.

Why are Newport buses free?

This complimentary service encourages visitors to leave their cars behind and use public transit to see all of Newport's attractions. I am proud of Discover Newport and the Episcopal Diocese for providing funding to help make transit more accessible to both tourists and residents alike.”

Is the MBTA free in Boston?

Children age 11 and under ride the MBTA for free. Groups including 10 or more children (regardless of the number of chaperones), must register their travel using the field trip form. People who are legally blind, as well as an accompanying guide, ride the MBTA for free with a Blind Access CharlieCard.