Which African country has the worst malaria?

Which African country has the worst malaria? Four African countries accounted for just over half of all malaria deaths worldwide: Nigeria (31.3%), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (12.6%), United Republic of Tanzania (4.1%) and Niger (3.9%).

Where in Africa is malaria the worst?

Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the United Republic of Tanzania, and Niger account for about half of all such fatalities. Nigeria alone had 31.3% of the world's malaria deaths in 2021. Malaria is transmitted through mosquitoes infected with plasmodium, a single-cell parasite.

What is the survival rate of malaria without treatment?

Individuals at high risk of severe disease include young children, pregnant persons, older travelers, and people who are immunosuppressed. Although untreated severe malaria is nearly always fatal, with timely and effective treatment, the death rate due to malaria in the US is less than 2%.