Where is the rainbow tree on Road to Hana?

Where is the rainbow tree on Road to Hana? Location – Early on the Hana Highway, located in two groves. Mile Marker – 6.5 – 6.5 (+0.5) Parking Spot - Roadside, there is no specific parking spot. Facilities – None.

Is it safe to drive Road to Hana alone?

Yes, you can certainly drive the Road to Hana on your own. However, if you'd like some extra guidance on your trip, a driving guide from Action Tour Guide will make for the perfect travel buddy. Driving the Road to Hana is a thrilling and breathtaking experience.

Where are the seven sacred pools on the Road to Hana?

In Brief. Located at Mile Marker #42 on Hana Highway in Kipahulu—roughly twelve miles past Hana proper—the Pools of Ohe'o are part of Haleakala National Park Kipahulu.

Is it better to drive the Road to Hana yourself or take a tour?

This depends on what type of traveler you are and how much time you have. If you'd rather not drive, and you want a guide you can ask questions to, a Hana van tour is the best option. If you want a little more control over where you go, and you want to do your own research, driving is your best option.

What time should you start the Road to Hana?

It's best to be on the road, leaving your resort by at least 7:30 am. If you start late, the Road to Hana can be crowded with other drivers. That can mean that you might find yourself crawling along behind slower drivers at time.

What are the sketchy parts of the Road to Hana?

One of the main dangers on the Road to Hana is the narrow and winding nature of the road itself. The road is only two lanes wide, and it winds through the rainforest, with sharp turns and steep drop-offs. There are also many one-lane bridges along the route, which can be difficult to navigate.