Where is the best place to fly into Morocco?

Where is the best place to fly into Morocco? Casablanca Airport (CMN) handles the most international air traffic in Morocco, but there are many flights that are available from the United States to the airport in the city of Marrakesh, which is further south and more inland.

What is the safest way to travel in Morocco?

At night and when in unfamiliar surroundings, don't travel alone. The safest forms of vehicular transportation are generally the “petit” taxis, which vary by color in the major cities (Casablanca – red, Rabat – blue, Marrakech – tan). Buses: City buses are not considered safe; intercity bus companies are.

Is it worth it to go to Morocco?

Morocco is an incredible destination. At times, it was trying, stressful, chaotic, and overloaded my senses, but for all the stresses of travel, it was a country where I felt out of my element and like I was truly somewhere new and different. I loved that feeling and everything else about Morocco.

What to avoid in Marrakesh?

  • Don't Drink Tap Water in Marrakech. It's probably best to drink filtered or bottled water when visiting Marrakech and traveling in Morocco. ...
  • Don't Accept Unsolicited Help or Directions. ...
  • Don't Forget to Learn About Local Customs. ...
  • Don't Take Photos Without Permission. ...
  • Don't Barter for Unfair Prices.

What is the most tourist friendly city in Morocco?

The top three Morocco cities to visit in Morocco are Marrakech, Fes, and Casablanca. Marrakech is known for its vibrant markets and stunning architecture, while Fes is famous for its ancient medina and traditional crafts. Casablanca, on the other hand, is a modern city with a rich history and a bustling port.

What are the best months to travel to Morocco?

The best time to visit Morocco is in autumn and spring. However, as the country has a diverse geographical landscape, each season has its beauty. In April, May, and September to November, the weather is pleasantly warm across the high grounds of the Atlas Mountains.

Is Morocco affordable to visit?

Morocco is, by and large, a very budget-friendly destination, and a Morocco travel budget can accommodate anything from very bare-bones backpacking (under $30/person/day) all the way up to extreme luxury (the sky's the limit).

How many days is ideal for Morocco?

How Much Time SHould You Spend in Morocco? Two weeks is really the ideal amount of time to visit Morocco. However, you can definitely get a very good feel for the country with just one week or, even better, at least 10 days.

How many days is good in Morocco?

How Much Time SHould You Spend in Morocco? Two weeks is really the ideal amount of time to visit Morocco. However, you can definitely get a very good feel for the country with just one week or, even better, at least 10 days.

Is it better to fly to Marrakech or Casablanca?

Casablanca is a more modern, business-oriented location. It still holds an enormous amount of history and interest, but combines that with bustling streets and a title of Morocco's business capital. Marrakech is a more popular tourist spot, combining phenomenal scenery and architecture with a remarkable history.

Which city in Morocco is the finest to stay in?

Marrakech promises romance and a touch of exoticism, but not everyone expects it to be so exhilirating! Its old souks, ancient and beautiful architecture, maze of streets and a whirlwind-like Medina experience like no other, qualify it for many a bucket list.

What is the safest part of Morocco to visit?

Tourist hotspots, like Marrakech, Fes and Essaouira, are considered safer than rural and remote regions like the Atlas Mountains as they see tourists regularly, but unique challenges and threats are present for many people across the country.

What does a US citizen need to travel to Morocco?

Passports and Visas:
  • You must have a valid passport with at least one blank page.
  • Visas are not required for visits lasting less than 90 days. ...
  • Overstays: If you remain in Morocco beyond 90 days without having requested an extension of stay, you will need to appear before a judge prior to departing Morocco.

Can you drink alcohol in Morocco?

Morocco allows the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol must be purchased and consumed in licensed hotels, bars, and tourist areas. You can also buy alcohol in most major supermarkets. The alcohol section is usually in a separate room from the main supermarket.

What is safer Morocco or Egypt?

As a result, you will face minor scams in both countries – but if you are vigilant, it's nothing you need to worry about. Based on the statistics, Morocco is a bit safer than Egypt, though there is an ongoing conflict with Western Sahara.