Where is the ancient city of Syracuse?

Where is the ancient city of Syracuse? Syracuse, city, on the east coast of Sicily, 33 miles (53 km) south of Catania. It was the chief Greek city of ancient Sicily.

Who originally lived in Sicily?

At about 5,000 BC vast migrations of Indo-European groups brought their unique language to Western Europe. Around 2,000 BC there were three primary groups of Indo-Europeans settled in Sicily: the Elimi in the Northwest, the Sicani in the central mountains and the Siculi in the east.

Was Syracuse part of Rome?

The Kingdom of Syracuse was an allied independent region in the south east of the island and a close ally of Rome during the long reign of King Hiero II.

Who first lived in Sicily?

At the coming of the Greeks, three peoples occupied Sicily: in the east the Siculi, or Sicels, who gave their name to the island but were reputed to be latecomers from Italy; to the west of the Gelas River, the Sicani; and in the extreme west the Elymians, a people to whom a Trojan origin was assigned, with their chief ...

Why is Siracusa famous?

Syracuse is famous for its historic center, which has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Highlights include the Neapolis Archaeological Park, home to the famous Greek Theater, and the Ear of Dionysius, an ancient stone quarry in the shape of a human ear.