Where is nice holiday in May?

Where is nice holiday in May? The Indian Ocean is ideal for beach holidays in May. Choose between the Maldives, Mauritius and the Seychelles. May is a good month to visit Japan. Temperatures in the capital Tokyo are mild, the country's gardens are in full bloom and the mountains are green.

Where is nice in May Europe?

The hottest temperatures recorded on the Continent throughout May are typically seen in Mediterranean countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain and Turkey. With temperatures ranging from 23-27C and up to 11 hours of sunshine on offer a day, a spring getaway to some of these destinations is an appealing prospect.

Is May nice in Greece?

July and August are the hottest. The best time to visit is late spring (May) and fall (Sept–Oct). It's pleasant, with comfortable weather, no rain, and smaller crowds (except during holiday weekends). Winter (late October through mid-March) is colder, with some rainfall.

What month is best to visit Spain?

Since Spain has a number of different climatic conditions, when you go will certainly influence the kind of holiday you have. Typically speaking, Spring (March to May) or Fall (September to November) are considered to be the best times to visit Spain.

Is Greece warm in May?

Expect the Greece temperature in May to average maximum temperature of 73°F (23°C), with around 10.5mm of rain and nearly 12 hours of sunshine. The beginning of May is a little cooler, and the heat ramps up towards the end of the month.

Is Italy hot in May?

Average temperatures in Northern Italy during May range from 50 – 70 degrees fahrenheit (10 to 20 degrees celsius), but as you travel further South, the average temperature ranges from 60 – 80 degrees fahrenheit (15 to 30 degrees celsius).

How is Italy in May?

May weather in Italy can be pleasantly warm; however, It can also bring sudden afternoon showers that lead to some absolutely stunning rainbows and refreshing cool temperatures.