Where in the USA has the worst weather?

Where in the USA has the worst weather? Mount Washington's weather is notoriously extreme. In winter, Mount Washington experiences sub-zero temperatures, hurricane-force winds, snow and ice that essentially turn the peak into an Arctic outpost in a temperate climate zone.

Which US city has the worst winters?

1. Fairbanks, Alaska. With a minimum average temperature of about minus 17 degrees Fahrenheit, Fairbanks takes the cake as the coldest city in the U.S. The northernmost major city in Alaska, Fairbanks has seen record cold temperatures reaching minus 66 degrees in the past.

Where in the US is it not too hot and not too cold?

While temperatures fluctuate throughout the year in most U.S. states, there are few states with warm weather that see averages around 70-degree weather year-round. These states include Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and New Mexico.

Where to live if you hate rain?

Las Vegas, Nevada. Las Vegas is the driest city in the U.S. What might surprise you, though, is how little rainwater it truly gets — an average of 4.2 inches per year.

Where in the US has weather like the UK?

Seattle is much closer, because both the Pacific Northwest and Britain are subject to weather patterns that result from the travel of air masses across thousands of miles of ocean from the west, and they have similar latitudes.