Where in the US is it not too hot and not too cold?

Where in the US is it not too hot and not too cold? While temperatures fluctuate throughout the year in most U.S. states, there are few states with warm weather that see averages around 70-degree weather year-round. These states include Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and New Mexico.

Where in the US is the best weather year round?

Here are the 12 best places to live with good weather all year!
  • Orlando, FL.
  • San Diego, CA.
  • Santa Barbara, CA.
  • Santa Fe, NM.
  • Sarasota, FL.
  • Scottsdale, AZ.
  • St. George, UT.
  • Tacoma, WA.

What state has the best 4 seasons?

Asheville, North Carolina. Many consider it to have the best four season climate in the U.S. It's far enough south to be away from severe winters, yet high enough in elevation to avoid excessive heat and humidity in the summer. The scenery is also gorgeous and the cost of living low.