Where does Ohio get most of its drinking water?

Where does Ohio get most of its drinking water? More than half of Ohio's citizens get their drinking water from surface water sources. These include lakes, reservoirs, rivers and streams. Surface water is easier to obtain than ground water, but it is also more susceptible to contamination from nearby land uses.

Who has the cleanest tap water in Ohio?

Montpelier wins World's best drinking water. Montpelier, Ohio (WNWO)- You might as call Montpelier the tap water town.

Does anyone get drinking water from the Ohio River?

According to the Ohio River Valley Sanitation Commission(opens in a new window), the Ohio River is a source of drinking water for more than five million people as well as home to approximately 160 fish species.

What is the best aquifer in the United States?

Ogallala Aquifer of the central United States is one of the world's great aquifers, but in places it is being rapidly depleted by growing municipal use, and continuing agricultural use. This huge aquifer, which underlies portions of eight states, contains primarily fossil water from the time of the last glaciation.