Where does Kevin go in New York?

Where does Kevin go in New York? After the police trace Peter's credit card, the family flies immediately to New York. Meanwhile, Kevin goes to his uncle's townhouse, only to find it vacant and undergoing renovations. In Central Park, Kevin again encounters and eventually befriends the pigeon lady, who takes him to Carnegie Hall.

Why is The Plaza in New York so famous?

For over 100 years, The Plaza has been the New York hotel to see and be seen. Kings, presidents, and stars of stage and screen have all gathered and stayed at The Plaza. The most lavish social affairs, as well as classic Hollywood films have all used the legendary hotel as their setting.

What room did Kevin stay in at the Plaza?

The concierge lobby and check in area seen in the film as well as the Room 411 suite where Kevin stayed on his first try of the Plaza is now part of the Plaza residences as the hotel has been remodeled following its takeover of Elad National Properties, a company under ELAD Group, Ltd.