Where do the locals party in Barcelona?

Where do the locals party in Barcelona? María Cubí and Santaló: These two streets are in the “Zona Alta” of Barcelona. They are famous for their pubs and bars, many of which also have a dance floor. We recommend heading to María Cubí and Santaló if you want to dance or just have a drink. Both avenues are very popular among locals and foreigners.

Can you walk around Barcelona with alcohol?

Bringing your own drinks is cheap and it is fun too. Unfortunately they overdid it on a regular basis, so that Botellónes are banned in most cites and federal countries of spain. Also in Barcelona the consume of alcohol in public (streets, parks, beaches) is prohibited and fined.

What is the coolest street in Barcelona?

Explore The Ramblas and discover the best of Barcelona, a city brimming with excellent street culture, colour, and a terrific atmosphere, as you guide your way along the beautiful 1.2km boulevard.

Can I wear sneakers to a club in Barcelona?

2.3. Stylish Footwear: Barcelona clubs often have restrictions on footwear. Sneakers, sandals, and flip-flops are generally not permitted. Opt for dress shoes, stylish heels, or fashionable boots that complement your outfit.

What should I order at a bar in Barcelona?

Must try drinks while in Barcelona
  • Sangria. We can't make a list of the most popular drinks without talking about Sangria, can we? ...
  • Cava. Also known as Spanish wine, Cava is often the drink of choice for locals in Barcelona. ...
  • Orxata. ...
  • Clara. ...
  • Carajillo. ...
  • Vermouth. ...
  • Jerez Cocktail. ...
  • Orujo.

Can you wear jeans to clubs in Barcelona?

For example in Jamboree, a popular Jazz and Dance club or Hyde nightclub any casual outfits are allowed. For their parties can choose comfortable, informal clothing, as for example jeans or other pants and appropriate tops.

Do you tip in Barcelona?

Tips aren't expected in Barcelona, but they are always appreciated. Credit cards – tipping is possible with a card, just be sure you ask them to add it to the total as they run your card. There's no space on the credit card receipt when it comes time to sign.

What is the club etiquette in Barcelona?

Etiquette with Barcelona Bouncers If you're trying to get in to a club consider the following: Not showing any signs of being drunk. Being almost over-dressed for the place. Being impossibly friendly, patient, and quiet while in line.