Where did Clara Driscoll grow up?

Where did Clara Driscoll grow up? Born in 1881, Clara was the granddaughter of Daniel O'Driscoll, a soldier in Sam Houston's army, and grew up on Palo Alto Ranch. It was only natural that she would grow up to have a love for Texas and its people.

Who saved the Alamo?

Adina De Zavala was a preservationist whose best known contribution was saving the Alamo as a historic site.

How many kids did Clara Driscoll have?

Mary's Texas, on April 2, 1881; died in Corpus Christi, Texas, on July 17, 1945; younger of two children and only daughter of Robert (a millionaire rancher and businessman) and Julia (Fox) Driscoll; attended private schools in Texas and New York City and the Chateau Dieudonne, a French convent near Paris; married Henry ...

Who was Clara Driscoll parents?

Driscoll, Clara (1881–1945). Clara Driscoll, businesswoman, philanthropist, and historic preservationist, was born on April 2, 1881, to Robert and Julia (Fox) Driscoll in St. Mary's, Texas, near the site of present Bayside.

How much of the original Alamo is left?

The majority of the Alamo's 1836 Battlefield has been lost in the nearly two centuries since that dramatic battle. The Mexican Army tore down the compound's outer walls in May of 1836. This left just two structures, the Alamo Church and Long Barrack.