Where can I return lava rocks in Hawaii?

Where can I return lava rocks in Hawaii? We will still be happy to take care of returning them for you! Of course, you could just send the lava rocks back to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park direct, however, many people like being able to give the return of the rocks a little extra attention, and to do so you can send them to us right here in Volcano.

Can you bring back lava rock?

It is illegal to take lava rocks from Volcano National Park. Not only that it can bring very bad luck as its an insult to Pele. Hundreds of lava rocks get sent back to Hawaii because of this well known kapu(taboo) on snatching parts of Pele the Goddess of the Volcanos!

Can tourists see lava in Hawaii?

Lava is best seen at night along the south rim. There are three main viewing locations: Kupina?i Pali (Waldron Ledge) from Crater Rim Trail, Kilauea Overlook, and Keanakako?i Crater. Keanakako?i Crater is the closest eruption viewpoint - here you'll see a lava lake that emits a reddish-orange glow at night!

What happens if you take lava rocks from Hawaii?

It's not only illegal to take lava rocks from Hawaii, but it's also considered bad luck. Known as Pele's Curse, taking lava rocks from the islands is said to bring bad luck and misfortune upon the thief. So if you're planning on visiting the islands anytime soon, leave the rocks behind and enjoy your vacation!

Should you say Aloha back?

Aloha means both “hello,” and “goodbye,” and is used as a greeting when seeing someone for the first time and wishing them well at parting. If someone says “Aloha” to you, say it right back. Mahalo means “thank you.” If someone does you a kindness, don't be shy about saying, “Mahalo,” to them.

Is it okay to take sea glass from Hawaii?

Removing them can possibly upset the natural balance of each location they are removed from. In addition, it is illegal to take sand, dead coral, or coral rubble statewide per Hawai'i Revised Statute (HRS) §171-58.5 and §205A-44. Collecting beach glass and shells is still allowed.

Can you bring rocks and shells back from Hawaii?

Removing sand, rocks, shells or plants from any National Park or Historic Monument is against Federal law. Plants in soil are against Hawai'i law and USDA regulations, unless they have received a Hawai'i agriculture seal.

Does Hawaii sell lava rock?

It's not only illegal to take lava rocks from Hawaii, but it's also considered bad luck.

Why do people return lava rocks to Hawaii?

Each year, hundreds of people mail, fly or hike pieces of lava back to the Big Island, hoping that by returning rocks they snatched, they will break the curse, appease the goddess and end their bad luck.

Is it illegal to take coral from Hawaii?

In Hawai'i, it is unlawful to take, break or damage, any stony coral, including any reef or mushroom coral (HAR 13-95-70), except as otherwise authorized by law by a Special Activity Permit for scientific, educational, management, or propagation purposes (HRS 187A-6). Am I allowed to collect coral to sell? No.

What not to bring back from Hawaii?

Common Items from Hawaii NOT ALLOWED into the U.S. Mainland or Alaska
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, some exceptions are those listed below as permitted.
  • Berries of any kind, including fresh coffee berries and sea grapes.
  • Cactus plants or cactus plant parts.
  • Cotton and cotton bolls.
  • Fresh flowers of jade vine, and Mauna Loa.