When was the wheel invented?

When was the wheel invented? The wheel was invented in the 4th millennium BC in Lower Mesopotamia(modern-??day Iraq), where the Sumerian people inserted rotating axles into solid discs of wood. It was only in 2000 BC that the discs began to be hollowed out to make a lighter wheel. This innovation led to major advances in two main areas.

What cultures did not invent the wheel?

Over on the other side of the Atlantic, the Aztecs, Incas, Maya, and Native Americans did not become acquainted with the wheel until after the arrival of European colonists during the late 15th and early 16th centuries. Why these societies never invented wheels of their own is unclear.

Why did Native Americans not invent the wheel?

It's certainly possible that it was invented independently other times, but no record has been found. In places isolated from Eurasia and Africa—such as the Americas and Australia, there were no wheels. Native Americans had no draft animals, which was the primary requirement for needing them.