When was the last super bloom in Death Valley?

When was the last super bloom in Death Valley? Death Valley National Park did not receive enough early season rains to produce a super bloom in 2020, 2021, or 2022, and it looks like the same is true for 2023.

Will 2023 be a Superbloom in Death Valley?

While superblooms and the color they add to life in Death Valley are always welcomed sights, the forecast absence of one in 2023 shouldn't stop you from making the trip there while temperatures remain manageable through March and April.

Has Death Valley received rain in 2023?

The National Weather Service rain gauge at Furnace Creek measured 2.2 inches of rain on August 20, 2023. This exceeds the park's annual average rainfall of 2.15 inches. This set a new single-day rainfall record for Death Valley, breaking the previous record of 1.70 inches set on August 5, 2022.

What is the rarest plant in Death Valley?

Eureka Valley evening primrose: Among the desert sand is the beautiful Eureka Valley evening primrose. This is a rare, large desert wildflower only found in Eureka Valley sand dunes. The evening primrose grows to 2.5 feet tall and their white flowers fade to pink as they mature.

Why is Death Valley so famous?

Famous for the highest temperature ever recorded anywhere in the world (a sizzling 134 degrees in July 1936) and as the driest spot in North America, from autumn into spring Death Valley is inviting to explore.

Why is it called Death Valley?

Why is it called Death Valley? Death Valley was given its forbidding name by a group of pioneers lost here in the winter of 1849-1850. Even though, as far as we know, only one of the group died here, they all assumed that this valley would be their grave.