When was the last sonic boom?

When was the last sonic boom? In 2003, British Airways and Air France both stopped Concorde service. Sonic booms are still heard in the U.S. from the nation's military aircraft. In 2021, a sonic boom from F-15 fighter jets caused widespread concern that there was an earthquake on the Oregon coast.

Are sonic booms illegal?

' It's actually illegal to fly supersonic, or MACH 1, over the mainland of the United States. However, this event was cleared by the FAA.

Why don t we hear sonic booms anymore?

The power, or volume, of the shock wave depends on the quantity of air that is being accelerated, and thus the size and shape of the aircraft. As the aircraft increases speed the shock cone gets tighter around the craft and becomes weaker to the point that at very high speeds and altitudes no boom is heard.

Can the pilot hear clapping?

It's performative and the pilot can't hear you anyway! Whether you love to clap or not, know that the pilots likely can't hear you. This is due to the soundproof-nature of the cockpit.